Friday, September 5, 2008

Ladies Golf putting tips; Ladies Golf putting Tips

Ladies golf Putting Tip #1. Practice to control your putting distance only. Leave the ball on the green and putt at the hole, however you’re not trying to really make the putt only trying to develop a feel for how much force it takes for you to hit the ball so that it is either in the hole or 7 inches from the hole at the end of shot .

The reason for this is simple, let’s face it no matter how good of a golf player you are, there are some putts that you simply cannot make. Either the putt is very long, or you are having trouble reading the green or whatever. But let’s be honest not even tiger woods can sink every putt.

By practicing controlling your distance, you will have much more confidence when you putt. This is because you know that either one of two things will happen, either you will sink the putt, or because your control of distance is good, you will leave yourself with a very makeable tap in shot. I’ve seen Tiger woods do this to win tournaments, not really trying to make a long putt, but just leave himself with a very makeable putt after his first attempt.

Meanwhile your opponent is so busy sweating whether or not he or she will hit the putt that they neglect the distance and don’t you know, now they’ve left themselves with a really tricky 7 foot putt.

Ladies Golf Putting tip #2

Practice your putting on wet greens. Yep, that’s right golf courses come in two main varieties, wet and dry. What ever you can do putting wise on a dry course, you should be able to do on a wet course. Take a look at the British open, unless you are good playing on damp and soggy courses, you can never win there. Women golfers need to sink putts on wet, soggy greens as well as dry ones.

Ladies Golf Putting Tip #3. The last tip for ladies golfers about putting is to simply practice. Putting is a skill that requires repetition. You need to put in the swing time to become a good putter and a good golfer. Work on your game at least three times per week, and try to play a competitive game at least once a week.

Don’t forget that women golfers can always lower their score and perfect your swing by using golf training videos, or attending some sort of coaching camp. Videos work really well for ladies golfer because they present golf instruction in a visual format and you can use them at your convenience. So check out a good golf video, or good training course to better your golf game.